Wednesday, March 21, 2012

News Update: March 16, 2012

NEWS UPDATE: March 15, 2012
It was a major week for Muppets on TV as Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Walter took to the airwaves to promote the U.S. release of The Muppets on Blu-ray/DVD next week. We've got video from quite a lot of these appearances... so check 'em out!

First up is my personal favorite appearance of the week: Kermit the Frog on The Colbert Report on Wednesday night. Kermit made a surprise appearance alongside Stephen Colbert to discuss The Muppets on Blu-ray... but Stephen wouldn't have that on his "serious" political news program, and hilarity ensued. Check it out for yourself!

On Tuesday morning, Kermit, Miss Piggy, and Walter stopped by Good Morning America on ABC to report the news, steal jewelry, and sing a classic song. Watch below for all of the awesome wonderfulness.
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Miss Piggy appeared on Anderson Cooper's daytime talk show Anderson on Wednesday and some of the videos were even online before that! Our pals at ToughPigs took the liberty of collecting them all in one place... but here's one of our favorites below.
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Kermit and Walter stopped by MTV twice this week. First, for their picks for "Musical Madness," the March Madness parody competition that pits bands against each other. Walter and Kermit's responses are appropriately hilarious. Don't believe me? See for yourself!

And just today Kermit and Walter visited MTV for their "Talk Nerdy" segment, in which they discuss nerdy topics of the day. In the clip. Walter reveals his last name, his thoughts on why the Muppets should be in The Avengers, and many other hilarious things. Walter owns this clip, so enjoy it!

The Muppet Mindset by Ryan Dosier,

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